Labels:boat | book | bulletin board | envelope | extrados | mountain | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: Athens still holds magic. polluted city lies in stark contrast uxurious lines of the cro polis new THETO eating away the old, with pollution conve ging or the ancient restoration. reece both blessed and cursed by its abundant archaeology All Construction must cease any artit tact IS unearthed during building, thereby curtailing urgently needed economic deve lopment We found exciting ruins both within and the city cruise took Ss to islands such aS oros Hydra, and eqena where ancient archaeol logical Woncers can be enjoyed at more rel laxed pace Unless, couI rse, some one on the crut ise ship pulls You onto the dance floor! RINCT sprawling luxurious Acropolis buildings artifact devel outside ogical wonders relaxed